Session 1: Finding Peace in a Communicative Learning Environment

  By Sarah Hillyard


10:00-10:40 | 14:00-14:40 | 21:30-22:10 UK Time

This session looks at how teachers (and learners) can find themselves sliding into chaos in communicative classrooms. But don’t stress: we will take a positive stand and find solutions to those challenges! We will analyze what to do to create order out of chaos and find peace (not war).

After the above session, you will be given the choice to attend one of the following 2 sessions, which take place simultaneously:

Session 2a: Mindfulness to support teacher’s well-being and resilience in day-to-day work life


By Karen Liebenguth

10:50-11:30 | 14:50-15:30 | 22:20-23:00 UK Time

This Breathworks mindfulness workshop will help you deepen your understanding and practice of mindfulness to maintain good mental well-being and resilience. You will learn new mindfulness practices and key concepts that will support you in navigating the ups and downs of day-to-day work life.
In this workshop you will:
• understand your mind and thoughts
• learn how to better emotionally self-regulate
• three practices for day-to-day work life

Session 2b: Share it! Showcase and Q&A


By Del Spafford/ Rogelio Chacón

10:50-11:30 | 14:50-15:30 | 22:20-23:00 UK Time

Join this session to learn all there is to know about Macmillan Education's course for Pre-primary learners, Share it!