Here's where to register for the Global Teachers' Festival. Come to as many days as you like by selecting those you'd like to attend (or all of them!):

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Monday 17th February - Characters

  1. Leveraging Player Psychology: Learning from Player Motivation in Gaming
  2. Meet The Stars: Using Characters to Teach

Tuesday 18th February - Colour

  1. From Chaos to Clarity: Top Tips for Effective & Engaging Whiteboards
  2. The Link Between Colour & Learning

Wednesday 19th February - iGeneration

  1. "It's Not Like In My Day": Understanding Today’s Teenagers
  2. Navigating Distraction - Classroom Strategies for iGen Engagement

Thursday 20th February - The Digital Realm

  1. AI in 2025 - What's Beyond the Honeymoon Phase?
  2. A Path to Teaching Entrepreneurship

Friday 21th February - Neurodiversity

  1. Increasing Accessibility for Neurodiverse Students in the Classroom
  2. Your Lazy Students Might Not be Lazy At All. This is Why...
  3. Including and Supporting Learners with ADHD in the English Language Classroom