Developing a sharing attitude in the classroom
Our students sometimes get the message that “real” success means being better than everyone else. However, as teachers we know that our students may learn faster and learn more by collaborating with their classmates, not competing. We need to prepare our students for a world where the emphasis is increasingly on teams that work and share together. We’ll be looking at how we can develop the knowledge and teaching skills that help our students to see – and enjoy – the advantages of collaborating.
Saturday 19th February 2022- 10 AM
About the Speakers
Nicholas Beare has been involved in English Language Teaching for more than thirty years, both as a materials writer and teacher trainer. His career has focused on materials production and teacher training in Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, South East Asia and North Africa. His publications with Macmillan ELT include Winners, Evolution, Sunrise and Brainy for Primary, and United, Get Set! and Stepping Up! for Secondary. His most recent publication is Level 1 of the international primary course Share It!