Max Maths - A Singapore Approach

This complete course solution is matched to the Cambridge Primary maths curriculum framework, and is specially designed to support learners in international and bilingual schools.

The course provides stimulating and engaging content that makes maths fun, while ensuring that every learner has a firm understanding of new concepts, and is progressing to their full potential. The course provides support for students whose first language is not English, and guidance for teachers who are teaching maths through CLIL or EMI (English as a medium of instruction).

Key features

  • an accessible and effective approach with carefully scaffolded activities throughout
  • exercises which are designed to develop reasoning and critical thinking and problem-solving skillsthrough both independent and collaborative learning
  • clear explanations of new mathematical terms, with full-colour illustrations to support students whose first language is not English
  • real-world contexts to teach mathematical concepts, and activities that support the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (the innovative way of teaching Maths in Singapore) approach.
  • a Journal component with language support for parents, and activities that encourage students to reflect on their learning
  • a full teacher training programme on world-class maths pedagogy, and on teaching maths in English.