Gateway 2nd Edition
Learning for life
Student's Book Pack
The Student's Book Pack contains the print Student's Book with a strong exams focus and exams task familiarisation throughout the Student's Book. Access code to the Student’s Resource Centre is provided which includes the Class audio, Workbook audio, Life skills and Flipped classroom videos and a downloadable Macmillan Reader.
Digital Student's Book Pack
The Digital Student’s Book Pack provides an access code to the Digital Student’s Book and Student’s Resource Centre which includes the Class audio, Workbook audio, Life skills and Flipped classroom videos, Culture worksheets and access to a downloadable Macmillan Reader.
The Workbook mirrors the Student’s Book in its organisation, providing a wealth of extra grammar and vocabulary exercises and opportunities to practise reading, listening, speaking and writing. It also offers higher-level material in the form of Grammar challenge and Vocabulary extension exercises, particularly useful for mixed ability classes.
Online Workbook
The Online Workbook provides interactive versions of the activities in the Gateway 2nd Edition Workbook, audio and Flipped classroom videos. The Online Workbook marks students’ work and collates into the Gradebook. Teachers can manage multiple classes, set tasks and monitor progress.
Teacher's Book Premium Pack
The Teacher's Book Premium Pack includes the Teacher's Book and access to the Teacher's Resource Centre, Presentation Kit, Test Generator and all the digital student components. The Teacher's Book includes teaching notes, teacher development sections including advice on ideas for developing learning strategies and exam preparation.